Emergency Clinic
The unit s capacity is 14 beds. It has the latest dialysis machines, which number 40.
The unit is characterized by providing continuous dialysis care for critical cases 24 hours a day.
The department contains high-tech equipment and is served by the rest of the hospital departments, each in its specialization, with three fully equipped ambulances to transport cases to and from the hospital, and they have artificial respirators to transport critical cases.
Emergency unit services
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consect adipisscin elit proin vel lectus ut eta esami vera dolor sit amet consect
بنك الدم
يقوم بأستقبال المتبرعين بالدم والمكونات علي مدار الساعة يقوم بنك الدم بتوفير خدمة نقل الدم لمرضي المستشفى وللعمليات
خدمة الاسعاف
توافر خدمة الاسعاف علي مدار الساعة بعربات مجهزة باحدث الاجهزة مع توافر خدمة مرافقة طبيب داخل