bout We provide health care at the highest level of quality and safety in Egypt, Africa and the Middle East. The hospital is famous for its departments of cardiothoracic surgery, cardiology, treatment of vascular diseases, oncology, organ transplantation, and orthopedics. Ain Shams Specialized Hospital was able to attract the best expertise in medicine and management from the most distinguished medical institutions locally and internationally. Our highly respected doctors and staff provide our patients with rare medical and surgical care to support the highest levels of health and comfort
نتفاني لتقديم رعاية صحية استثنائية تجمع بين الشمول و الرحمة، بدعم من خبرات كلية الطب بجامعة عين شمس. نتميز بوحداتنا ومراكزنا المتنوعة والمتخصصة، ونوفر رعاية وتعليمًا متطورا في جميع التخصصات الطبية.
أن نكون مستشفى جامعيًا على مستوى عالمي، يشار له دوليًا كمركز للتميز ونموذجًا للرعاية الصحية المتمحورة حول المريض، والبحث، والتعليم.
Predicting patients developmental expectations. And update. Safety. Meeting patients needs
Providing health care of the highest quality according to the latest international standards
السعي لتحقيق أعلى المعايير في الرعاية الصحية والتعليم والبحث.
الالتزام بالممارسات الأخلاقية والشفافية في جميع الإجراءات
تقديم رعاية تركز على المريض بإنسانية
العمل بانسجام بين الأقسام ومع المجتمع
الالتزام بالتعلم المستمر وتطوير الموظفين والطلاب
The most important services provided by the Patient Services Department are receiving complaints from patients and auditors, communicating with the concerned departments to find solutions to them, and communicating with public relations to resolve issues related to patients. Also, supervising and monitoring the administrative procedures for transferring referred patients to reference hospitals, supervising ambulance services, and guiding and guiding visitors to the whereabouts of their patients.
Ain Shams Specialized Hospital includes an elite group of doctors and professors to achieve the dream and help on the way to serve patients with a high level of accuracy. These professors have different experiences
Ain Shams Specialized Hospital bears a great responsibility in light of the current crisis and faces challenges to complete its role in receiving and treating the injured
about.Providing a healthy, warm, quiet and noise-free environment, and taking care of the patients needs
the qualit