Ain Shams Specialized Hospital
Surgical Endoscopy Unit

Laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows the surgeon to access the internal organs and cavities of the body by making very small incisions or through the bodys natural openings, such as the mouth, nostrils, or anus.

Benefits of laparoscopic surgery

Benefits of laparoscopic surgery

This technique allows the surgeon to see inside the patients body and the operation through a much smaller incision than would be required in traditional open surgery. The benefits of laparoscopic surgery may include: Small cracks, few cracks, or even no crack. Less pain. Low risk of infection. Shorter hospital stay. recovery speed. Less scarring. decreased blood loss

Types of laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery is a relatively safe procedure, but it carries certain risks depending on the area in which the procedure is performed. Risks may generally include: Over sedation. Feeling bloated for a short time after the procedure. mild contractions Numbness in the throat for several hours due to the use of a local anesthetic. minor infection Constant pain in the endoscopy area. Internal bleeding is usually minor, and can sometimes be treated with endoscopic cauterization

ServiceUnits.Laparoscopic surgery risks

Laparoscopic surgery does not require an overnight stay in the hospital, and usually only takes about one hour to complete. Your doctor will provide instructions about preparation and preparation for the procedure, such as: For many types of laparoscopic surgery, a person needs to fast for about 12 hours, although this varies by type. Laxatives may be taken the night before the gut check procedure, to empty the digestive tract. The doctor performs an endoscopic examination before surgery. Tell your doctor about all medications and supplements you are taking, and any previous surgical procedures

Prepare for surgery

There are many types of endoscopic surgery depending on the area of ​​the body to be endoscopic, such as: Laparoscopy . Nasal endoscopy. bronchoscopy. Cystoscopy. Colposcopy. Hysteroscopy . Thoracoscopy. Arthroscopy. Esophageal endoscopy. Colonoscopy

Surgery steps

Laparoscopic surgery is a relatively safe procedure, but it carries certain risks depending on the area in which the procedure is performed. Risks may generally include: Over sedation. Feeling bloated for a short time after the procedure. mild contractions Numbness in the throat for several hours due to the use of a local anesthetic. minor infection Constant pain in the endoscopy area. Internal bleeding is usually minor, and can sometimes be treated with endoscopic cauterization

recovery phase

Laparoscopic surgery does not require an overnight stay in the hospital, and usually only takes about one hour to complete. Your doctor will provide instructions about preparation and preparation for the procedure, such as: For many types of laparoscopic surgery, a person needs to fast for about 12 hours, although this varies by type. Laxatives may be taken the night before the gut check procedure, to empty the digestive tract. The doctor performs an endoscopic examination before surgery. Tell your doctor about all medications and supplements you are taking, and any previous surgical procedures

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The first laboratory designed to be acoustically and electromagnetically insulated, which allows for a very high degree of efficiency and accuracy of tests.

Many auditory effort tests elicited from the cerebral cortex have been integrated at the same time. The unit also includes all the programs required for programming all auditory devices, whether outside the ear or inside the ear.

The unit provides all diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy services of high quality for the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and diseases related to the liver and digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon, liver, gallbladder and pancreas, which includes:

Measurement of esophageal movement

قياس حموضة المعدة

Gastric acidity measurement

Stopping stomach and colon bleeding with argon gas

3D ultrasound on the anus

Ligation of esophageal and stomach varices

Esophageal stents installation

Bile duct endoscopy

Endoscopic ultrasound
